Ever wondered how you can win in life?
I never did but I have managed to accomplish such a feat.
Not completely but I have managed to figure out what was really holding me back from living life to the fullest.
Life is meant to be fun and enjoyable but there are so many unnecessary things that keep us stressed and grumpy.
There are a few things that you can do and understand that will make life that much easier and I would like to share them with you.
Not to say that I live a stress free life but I have definitely found a way to live better.
We all live a life of choices and options but are you making the right ones?
Most of you aren’t and that is why this post will help you understand what is really going on with your life.
If you are stressed out and can’t seem to control what happens in your life, just know that you are not alone.
We all go through the same financial struggles and we all let life get the best of us.
With these simple tips, I hope to help you win at life so that you can live better and stop stressing over things that you can actually control.
They have worked for me and I know they will work for you too.
Let me show you how to win at life, even if you think you can’t do anything right.
1. Read the Bible

I am in no way religious and I have never read the bible in my life.
I grew up a Catholic but not once did I try to understand what they taught.
the Bible never crossed my mind and I had two beliefs.
One, as long as you believe in God, you are good to go and two, the Bible has what you need.
I did not think of the latter but I did believe in God and that’s all that mattered to me.
Just recently was I approached by some Jehova’s Witnesses, whom I did give my time to.
Without judging, I let them talk to me about the Bible.
By listening to the simple things that this book of life teaches, everything has become a lot more clear.
I am still no religious activist and I am still Catholic but understanding the Bible has really contributed to a much better life.
Do this alone and you will see some big changes as well.
Don’t knock it until you have at least given it a try either.
2. Live For Yourself

These days people are too caught up living for everyone else.
The car they drive, the clothes they wear, and even the food they eat.
Do you think that buying that $50,000 car that you think you afford just to show others will benefit you?
Will the people you associate with be the ones to feel that paycheck getting chopped in half just to pay for a car?
Heck no.
And when you see yourself eating at some fancy restaurant just to snap some photos for Instagram, just remember that no one really cares.
Get a car to get you around that will not fail on you next week.
Eat food to enjoy the wonderful taste that the different cultures provide for us and not because you want to show others you ate at some place with overpriced cheeseburgers.
Life is amazing if you do what you want and when you want to do it.
I guess since I’m talking about some financial issues, I’ll jump right into the next topic.
3. Be Frugal

Being frugal is not something you can just do, especially if you have a bunch of bad habits.
Spending on things you feel you need is a good one but overusing is one that you won’t see.
By this, I mean paper towels, laundry detergent, usage of gasoline, and all the necessities that come with living.
Do you really think you need to get Tide or was it the commercial that got you to get a jug?
When you have the money, you will use it on that Tide without even thinking.
Do you really think you need to run back to the store to grab that gallon of milk?
Definitely not and that is why I have a whole post on saving more fuel.
There is no need to purchase things that commercials tell you to get.
Get what works and don’t overspend on anything.
This includes tissue, shampoo, soap, cereals, and so on.
The cheap stuff works great and it works even better for your wallet.
If you can’t understand a lick of what being frugal means, try going broke and you will learn in a heartbeat.
4. Improve Your Financial Situation

Money can and will control you if you don’t control it.
The thing about money is that we usually have enough of it to live and even improve our financial situations.
The problem is we don’t allow it to happen and that’s just how it is.
If we make $2k/month that will be more than enough to live off of.
But then we tack on so many unnecessary crap that we lose control of everything.
New car, more credit cards, and more nonsense that you feel you need in your house.
That then leads to the wonderful world of paycheck to paycheck and a lot of unwanted stress.
This would also happen even if you made more money, so don’t think it’s dependent on your salary.
The point here is to understand what is going on.
Leave out all the stuff you never had to begin with and focus on making some kind of investment.
Invest in stocks, start a small business of some sort, or even start an online affiliate marketing business selling other people’s products.
And if you can respond to a comment, you can make money if you started your own blog.
It’s not as complicated as you think it is and the additional income is something that will help you live a better life.
Who knows, you might just be able to fire your boss and live the laptop lifestyle like I do.
There are many things you can do but break out of your comfort zone and make something happen.
5. Surround Yourself With Positivity

This is the most common thing you need to do to improve your life, which is why I put it in the middle of this list.
The people you surround yourself with will have the biggest impact on how you live.
The most common place to find these people will be at this thing called work.
Most will say you can’t choose your friends but I beg to differ.
I held a nice little 9-5 before I decided that this ship I was on wasn’t taking me anywhere.
Financially and most especially mentally.
Employees of any place of work will all usually think the same.
Then there’s that 1% that will think differently and go against the grain.
These are the kind of people that get shit done and don’t care about what anyone thinks.
These are the kind of people that gossipers usually talk about.
And these are the kinds of people who are usually apart of the 1% who are living life on their own terms.
The people you are around will dictate where your life is headed and you will fall into that trap if you settle.
Don’t settle for mediocre and don’t settle for being apart of the norm.
Do something others won’t do and live life the way it’s supposed to be lived.
I don’t care how comfortable you are at your current job, if it doesn’t allow at least some kind of freedom, get on the ball and start your search for something better.
You might just fire your boss and not even know it.
6. Beat Social Media

This is the biggest winner in all aspects of life.
Money, time, and how we live.
If you find yourself on social media way too much, it might be time to take a step back and evaluate where your life is headed.
For you Instagrammers that have to decorate your food before you start munching, just stop.
If you have to setup your kids to act like they are doing so that others can like your pics, just stop.
Social media is in complete control of your life and you don’t even know it.
You forget who you are and where you came from that you can’t even live normal anymore.
Unless you are making a living with social media like some people are doing, then you have no business trying to act like you are something you are not.
Heck, you can make money on social media by being who you are.
The point here is to understand what social media is doing to you.
Quit keeping up with the Kardashians and quit trying to be someone you are not.
These people you try to be like are nothing but humans that have the same problems (if not more) you have.
You are awesome and you will see that if you focus on you and not everyone else.
7. Eat Better

You are what you eat.
What does that even mean?
Theidioms.com says it best.
“Eat well to feel well”
It couldn’t be any shorter than that and it says it all.
So if you want to live a better life, get on a nice little diet as soon as you can.
I know food tastes so awesome but you have to control it.
Not to say you can’t indulge in anything because that is also fun but just don’t overdo anything.
Too much of anything is never good and this is 100% true when it comes to the goodness going in your mouth.
I’m not saying you should stop eating fast and you should become a vegan but add some foods that you know would make you feel better.
And those burgers that you think you need to eat every single day can be taken off your list at least half the week.
8. Exercise

Add this to healthy eating and you will be one happy mo fo.
I don’t care if it has been 10 years since you last went for a run or you are limited to only certain types of exercise.
Wait any longer and you won’t have the opportunity to exercise again.
I say opportunity because that is exactly what it is.
Most people take it for granted until they are told that they can’t do too much of this or too much of that.
If you are able, get your ass out there and do something.
For me, I started by playing some soccer with my kids.
A sport that I knew nothing about but one that would get me in some kind of shape and help me live a better life.
I’m still working on the eating part but at the very least, I’m getting my blood to circulate, which makes me one productive individual.
I get more work done, I feel better, and my kids get to enjoy their pops the way they should be doing.
So if you want to win at life, stop being lazy and do some kind of exercise.
Remember that you can always do some activities that allow you to get moving without having to feel that you are doing some kind of chore.
Exercising can and should be fun, so start off slowly and you will soon get to a point where your energy level is through the roof.
9. Untangle Your Life

There are so many things we get caught up with and it will go on and on for as long as we live.
Unless of course we do something about it.
So how do you do such a thing?
Well, you need to start by looking at what you do on a daily basis.
This usually consists of some kind of routine that comes with a lot of stress.
Along with work comes the activities with the kids and all the other additional stuff that comes with life.
Church, holidays, events, etc.
The way to beat this is to trim the fat.
Start by not doing things you feel you need to do.
If you think that the sport you put your kid in is necessary then you might want to evaluate things.
Is it getting in the way of your job?
Is it having you put off other activities that you used to do?
And most especially, is it taking you away from doing some personal activities with your kids?
Don’t think that you always have to join something just because everyone else is doing it.
The big thing for me is holidays.
Don’t think that celebrating every single holiday is necessary.
The shopping and the feel to need to buy gifts for everyone.
Screw all that.
Those things come around and stress you out more than ever, just to disappear in a week like it never even happened.
Declutter your life and focus on more important things like living and you will live a better life.
10. Change Your Routine

This is not a bad thing and it isn’t a great thing.
It is something we do to keep things in order and it is something we do because it’s what we do.
The problem here is that it will make life a bit lame.
It will have you living like a robot and it will last for a really long time unless you do something about it.
Just like most of the stuff on this list, you need to make a change.
Do something out of the ordinary and just let go.
If you are always waking up late, wake up earlier.
And if you are always waking up too early, sleep in a little.
The same thing goes with your food.
Just because you love eating pizza does not mean that is the only food that is good.
My kids are the same way, until I introduce them to something new and almost force them to try it.
That’s when the mmmm comes out and they find another favorite food to eat.
By the time I’m doing letting them try 10 different things, they are now able to eat anything and everything without being such a little brat.
And if you are an adult that has this problem, I’m sorry but your parents ruined your ability to think outside the box.
It is not too late though, so get out there and try new things as you are missing out on a lot of things that exist in this world.
11. Stop to Smell the Flowers

This life we live is beyond busy and ran by technology.
What we tend to forget is that this planet we live in is absolutely amazing.
I really like technology and what it has done for mankind but take some time to appreciate the more simple things in life.
The sun that provides us heat and light, even if it is a gazillion miles away.
The plants that grow from dirt and provides us with the food and air to breath.
You can not find anything more amazing than what is naturally here, so get out there and explore nature.
Explore and learn to appreciate the littlest ant because they are truly an amazing part of this thing called life.
And if you don’t think that they are really that amazing, go back to point #1 and you will see that there is no way a human being can create such awesomeness.
Science can’t even understand how the world works but that thing called the Bible will show you how simple things really are.
Win at Life and Everything Else
There are many other things that you can do to live a better life but I’m sure you can pick and choose what to add or take away to help with such a task.
I know we can’t win em all but I hope that this simple list can help you understand that a lot of the stress we inherit can be dealt with accordingly.
You are a tiny little human on this planet but you have the whole world to explore, so don’t let anything hold you back from doing what you want.
Remember to be kind to others and don’t ever think that you are better than anyone.
Stay humble and always remember that selfishness is the best way to lose at this thing called life.
Thank you for sharing this!
Number 1 really works, i am amazed, especially when we do daily deovtions, and have fellowship with other believers as well, it’s a continual journey.
i thought the list would be generic when i just searched in Google.
Keep on praying, mediate on life, affirmation, count your blessings and continue being grateful.
I’ll see you on the other side.
Thanks Kristine!