7 Blog Examples That Will Inspire You to Be a Better Blogger

Blogging has many benefits, and even those that don’t do it know it.

But before you even start your very own blog, there are so many things that you need to know and understand.

What program should you use?

What will I talk about?

How is money even made?

There are many questions that need answers, or you simply will not know how amazing this business really is.

Now, getting with the right training platform is great, but there is no better way to understand how everything works than by following those that have success online.

And not just success but huge success that most bloggers will never accomplish.

Instead of giving you a list of blogs that talk about “how to blog,” I have several blogs that will show you how to run a blog without even talking about blogging.

They are in their perspective niches, but they do such a great job at teaching without really teaching.

So, if you want the proper guidance and examples of how a blog should be done, here are 7 blogs that you should follow right now.

1. WP Beginner


As a beginner blogger, WPBeginner.com is going to be your best friend.

If, of course, you plan on using WP (WordPress).

This site offers things for bloggers who are trying to do big things in life, and that is why I think every blogger should follow them.

Whether you are new or even have a couple of years under your belt, WP Beginner will help.

If you are trying to take things to that level that you can’t seem to reach, WP Beginner will show you exactly how to do it.

Not only will you learn how to use WordPress, but you will also get to follow the best practices when it comes to blogging for organic traffic.

WP Beginner shows you how to properly structure a site and how to link internally and externally, but most especially, it shows you how to write great content.

By simply reading some of the stuff they write, you will be that much better of a blogger.

If there’s one blog I would recommend to any new blogger looking for an example, WP Beginner would be that blog.

2. Dollar Sprout


If you have never been to Dollarsprout.com, you might want to do that right now.

Dollar Sprout is a blog on everything money, but they offer a lot more than just that.

For one, they are a great model site that shows you exactly how you should structure your site.

I’m not saying you should copy them, but just get ideas on what your site should look like.

Two, they are extremely passionate about every single thing that goes on their blog.

From the design to the layout to the content that they share with the world, this site does not take any shortcuts.

The owners have a real passion for what they do, and you can see it through their site alone.

And you can bet that that is how they have achieved such great success in such a short period of time.

Dollar Sprout is one of my favorite blogs, and I check them out every once in a while just to remind me of how awesome my site needs to be.

3. Dirt Bike Planet


Dirtbikeplanet.com tells you exactly what the site is about.

Dirt bikes.

Not being in any how-to blog kind of niche, you’re probably wondering why I would add this to the list.

Well, if you want a great example of how a blog should look like, then this is one of them.

Not only do you get to see how to craft awesome blog posts, but you get to see how a niche site really works.

Most bloggers try to do too much when starting out, which is why something like Dirt Bike Planet can really help.

By focusing on a targeted part of what you are interested in, you can then build a blog that will bring in the dough that most bloggers will never see.

Created by the fellas at Income School, Dirt Bike Planet is one of their better examples of how to build out a niche website.

If you are stuck in trying to pick a niche for your new business, let Dirt Bike Planet help by getting your creative juices flowing.

4. Mancarry


Okay, this is one of my niche sites, but I’m not trying to be biased or conceited.

I do take pride in my work, and this is one that I am really proud of.

I just think that Mancarry.com is the one site that has helped me personally understand several things when it comes to blogging.

For one, it covers stuff I’m truly passionate about, and two, it took me into a niche that can be built on for many, many years to come.

You can see that I put a lot of love and effort into this site, and that is why I would like to share it.

And when I have those days that I just don’t feel like working, I get on this very site to help me get motivated.

Call it obsessed, or whatever you want to call it, but even if this is my site, it reminds me of how great running an online business really is.

Do check it out and let me know what you think.

5. Ask Men


Sorry, ladies, but this is mostly for men.

However, I do know that if you look at the actual layout of the site and its content, you will get some great ideas for starting your very own blog.


Okay, that was lame, but I’m sure you can come up with something better.

Now, about askmen.com, you can see why I like this site.

They offer some of the best topics for men, so you know it’s not boring.

From dating all the way to gadgets and gizmos, AskMen has everything a guy could possibly need all on one site.

The overall site is not something I recommend you model after, as that is the best way for any new blogger to get overwhelmed.

I recommend this site simply for ideas on what you can use for your future blog.

One topic that is covered on this site will be enough for you to build a lifelong business, so keep that in mind.

So, use it for ideas, but please don’t try to copy the business model.

Unless you feel like running on a treadmill and not making any money.

Now, if you have 10 employees who can help you run such a monster of a business, then yes, create your version of askmen.com and never look back.

6. Survival Life


Who doesn’t want to learn how to survive?

Thanks to The Walking Dead and every other zombie TV show out there, everyone and their mothers are looking to survive something.

Survival is definitely one of the more profitable niches that can bring in the big bucks.

And there is no better blog to show you how to do exactly that than Survivallife.com.

This is one of the very first blogs I followed in my young blogging career, and for many reasons at that.

I thought I was into survival until I realized that I knew nothing about it.

Thanks to the content Survival Life provided.

I did use it for ideas, though, and it has taught me a lot about the business.

Now, what I like most about Survival Life is their overall marketing strategies.

These guys know how to do everything it takes to get the most from a single site visitor.

They know how to make you pull out your credit card, as they can sell you absolutely anything when it comes to this niche.

Those reasons alone are why I recommend you follow Survivallife.com.

7. Zen Habits


This might be last on the list, but it is probably the best blog example for you newer bloggers.

Zenhabits.net is one site that teaches many lessons about starting a blog.

For one, the site is as simple as it gets.

There isn’t even a real logo, no sidebar, and no ads.

What I like about that is the big lesson on focusing too much on the stuff that doesn’t matter.

If this site can make millions of dollars with a site that has nothing but text, that should tell you something.

You are probably wondering how in the world does this site even make any money, right?

Well, it makes its money, and you can see how by simply going on the site.

The next thing that I like about Zen Habits is the fact that it uses a .net rather than a .com.

This should show you how much stuff like that doesn’t matter these days.

Maybe in 1999, but not anymore.

Create content, focus on that, and you will have no problem succeeding online.

I can go on and on about how great of a blog example Zen Habits is, but I’m sure you will see that if you go to the site for yourself.

Conclusion – Follow These Sites

Blogging is really one amazing “job” that I think anyone can do.

If you want to be your own boss and talk about stuff you are actually interested in, you simply just need to get started and don’t look back.

Get some ideas from the blogs I mentioned above, and you will be headed in the right direction.

Don’t make blogging something complicated because it’s really simple.

Now, if you go with the wrong training and fall for someone who is just trying to take your money, then you might not succeed.

But if you go with something like Wealthy Affiliate, then you will have no problems kicking that 9-5 to the curb and possibly firing your boss like I did.

Besides that, follow the blogs above, and you will have no problem becoming the next successful blog.

Until next time, thanks for reading, and happy blogging!

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