Most people think there are a million and one ways to make money online when there’s really only a handful.
The misunderstanding comes from the million and one products that are created that claim to show you how to make money when almost all of them have a hidden agenda of some sort.
They make you think you can make $1,000 commissions when they are really running a Ponzi scheme.
Almost all home-based businesses are going to be recruiting-based, and that is not where the problem lies.
The programs that are coming out these days consist of no product whatsoever, but they claim you can make thousands of dollars.
That’s a clear sign that you are about to enter Ponzi territory.
Unless you have some make you look younger cream, you must avoid those programs at all costs.
Then, of course, we have the scams that offer a huge reward but nothing to show after they’ve taken your money.
Today I want to put all questions aside and give you the real and legit ways that people are making real money online.
There aren’t many ways, but there are quite a number of programs that claim to show you how it’s done.
I want to show you those ways, and I want to show you the programs that actually work.
With 5+ years of experience working from home full-time and reviewing all kinds of products and programs, I think I have enough to give you the best.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for on this list, I might need to find a better profession.
I doubt that will happen, so let’s get on with the show, as I’m sure you’re excited to start your very own online venture.
Ways to Make a Full-time Income Online

If you’re looking to make a full-time income online, this is how it’s done.
This is how I’ve been doing it for the last decade or so, and I don’t think I will ever change my career.
I work whenever I want to, and my income potential depends on the amount of work I put in.
If you want to do this, give one of them a shot.
1. Start a Blog

This will always be my top recommended way to make money online.
It is the most reliable and sustainable business model online, and the income potential is through the roof.
As long as you have the right training and support, you can learn the real potential that a simple blog has.
I started my first blog in 2014 and never looked back.
Once I made that first $1, I knew I could make $100 and eventually get to $10k +.
That’s exactly how things went, and I have created several other blogs since then.
It has been the main source of income for me and my family, and I can’t help but share such an amazing opportunity that truly does work.
Not to mention the fact that you will be blogging about things you are already interested in to begin with.
This is what I think is the absolute best way to make money on the internet, even if you don’t think you can write.
I personally did not know how to write, and when I look back at the first posts I’ve ever done, I wonder how in the world I was able to make money.
Well, I did, and I know you can too.
I did a whole post on how to start a blog, so check that out, and you’ll see exactly how you can get started.
Oh, and this is by far the cheapest business you will ever start, so that is another reason why it is my top recommendation.
2. Drop Shipping

This method is amazing but will not be as cheap as starting a blog.
But just like blogging, you won’t need to own any products, but you will have to place orders once you receive a purchase.
The beauty with drop shipping though is that you will never have any products in your possession as everything is done by the company you will be drop shipping with.
Allow me to explain, as the idea of drop shipping is simple and absolutely amazing.
Drop shipping is nothing more than getting products at a wholesale price all while trying to earn a profit.
You control the price of what you are selling, so you decide how much profit you will get.
By becoming a partner with a drop-ship company, you can get the lowest prices on specific goods.
From there, you will create your very own store with sites like Shopify that use the products from the drop ship company.
You will list these products on your site as you own them, and people will make purchases through your site.
From there, you will take that money and place the order from the actual company.
The company will send out the orders on your behalf, and you will keep whatever you didn’t have to spend on the product.
Just like that, you just made $20 or whatever profit you decided to give yourself, and that customer gets their product.
Do this 100 more times, and you, my friend, will be running a serious business.
Of course, there’s a lot more that needs to be learned but thanks to sites like Oberlo, they will help you set up shop and even show you all the tricks of the trade.
Now if you want the best of the best, you might want to check out the guys over at the Amazing Selling Machine.
They give you all the help and support you need, but they do have the most up-to-date tactics that I’m sure you’ll love.
Checkout Amazing Selling Machine Here
3. Affiliate Marketing

If the idea of selling other people’s products online without dealing with shipping or customers sounds like something you could do, affiliate marketing is where it’s at.
Unlike drop shipping, you don’t have to own a store and you don’t have to deal with any type of monetary transactions.
You get your personal affiliate link with sites like Amazon, Walmart, or any online retailer.
You can then place them on a site or make money without a website.
When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase from that partner’s site, you will get credit for it.
Instead of trying to turn a profit as you would with drop shipping, you are paid a commission based on what that partner offers.
This can range anywhere from 5 – 75% so you can see how things can get really lucrative.
Combine this with your personal blog and you can get traffic that will last for a really long time.
If done right.
I personally recommend a site called Wealthy Affiliate as they are affiliate marketing pros.
Give them a try and you can very much create an affiliate marketing business that can pay you over and over again.
Checkout Wealthy Affiliate Here
4. Freelancing

If I wasn’t blogging, this is exactly where I would start.
There are so many different types of freelancing jobs, but the problem is most people know absolutely nothing about them. is a great place to start to gain experience but the pay is exactly how it sounds in the name.
Five dollars per task.
Now there are ways you can earn more but you have to remember that the people looking for help on there aren’t willing to pay a premium price.
For a full-time income, Upwork is where you want to go.
You can write, do some website design, and even help companies with their marketing.
I mention Upwork because you can get linked with your clients directly.
Upwork will take a percentage of each transaction but you will get paid the highest rates.
It is completely free to join and you can submit your resume to get accepted by different publishers.
If you don’t feel like building and waiting on your business to grow, freelancing is where to go.
5. Virtual Assistant

Although this can be done on Upwork as well, I figured that this job alone is one that could use its place on this post.
Virtual assistants are becoming more and more common these days as there is not enough time in a day for online entrepreneurs to deal with the small stuff.
If you have the drive and passion to help online business people stay organized and on track, this is the job for you.
I have personally hired many VA’s in my online career and I have paid some good money for it.
What’s good about this is that you can get paid however works best for you and your soon-to-be employer.
And the best part about being a VA is that you can work for many people at once.
Land some great paying jobs and you can very much have a full-time income in no time.
Now there are hundreds upon hundreds of virtual assistant sites and you can Google all day but it won’t be that easy to find a really good one.
A great place to start your search is over at good old
From there you can branch out and find others that fit your needs.
6. Become a Tutor

I am no teacher and I don’t do any kind of tutoring.
I do teach people how to make money online, and I do know some great places that can show you how to make money with your given skills.
Teaching is one I don’t have but I’m sure there are thousands of you who do and could be making a nice income all from the internet.
Thanks to sites like VIPKID, you can tutor kids from China.
Everything is done online and you don’t ever have to leave your home.
I did see a tutor at a coffee shop one time and it sure did look fun.
Mind you I’m a full-time blogger and I just so happen to run into someone who worked with VIPKID.
She did say she loved it and that it was in fact her full-time job.
There are some requirements before you can start working but you can always check that out on their official website.
7. Graphic Designer
If you are quite the designer, this is the career for you.
Before I found designing websites to be fun, I hired anyone and everyone to get the look and feel of my sites.
I paid someone to get a header done, and then I paid someone else to get my site to function the way I wanted it to.
Whatever aesthetics I needed to do for my site, I outsourced it to someone else.
Imagine getting paid to design all kinds of things related to what you specialize in.
That’s almost as good as starting your very own blog.
Website designers are very much sought after, and if you have quite the talent for such a thing, you can make a full-time income doing so.
Create awesome ads or whatever it is that you can think of that you are the expert in.
Graphic designers are not easy to find and you might just be the next one who will make a full-time income from your talent.
Just like the others mentioned on this list, you can get started on and evolve from there.
Conclusion – Take Action
The internet is truly an amazing place to make a living.
You’re on it, I’m on it, and so are BILLIONS of other people.
I don’t care if you do it from work or as a part-time gig.
You owe it to yourself to make a full-time income all from the internet.
Not many people can say the same, and it does take a very special individual to make the type of income that most can only dream of.
I know you might not think it is possible, but if a super senior like me can do it, then trust me, you can too.
There is too much opportunity right in front of you (literally), so take advantage of what others aren’t doing.
I hope this short but sweet list of the best ways to make money online has helped you in one way or another.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading!