Welcome to my Impact Mailing Club Review.
I’m sure you’re wondering if this is a scam or some legit opportunity for you to make money and I’m glad you are.
Without much information and rather some “secret” letter, I’m sure you need a better explanation.
Either someone showed you how amazing this program is and how they are living the life we can only dream of or you received a nice little postcard in the mail.
Whatever the case may be, you were presented with an opportunity to make some money.
Well, I’m glad to be the one to explain EXACTLY how it works, because I’m sure its members don’t even know what they are involved with.
I have been a part of this and many other Ponzi schemes in my online career, so you can bet that I know a lot more than the average person looking to make money online.
So, if you want to know what you are about to invest/get involved with, allow me to give you the ins and outs of what Impact Mailing Club really is.
I might get carried away on certain topics, so feel free to use the table of contents below to navigate to the specific information you are looking for.
If you don’t have all day to read this review, the summary below will give you a short and straight-to-the-point explanation as well.
But before you spend any money, let’s see what this mailing type of program is really about.
Impact Mailing Club Review – Product Overview
Name: Impact Mailing Club
Website: www.impactmailingclub.com
Owner: Rose Alameda & Tereza Cumric
Type of Business: Cash Gifting
Price: $100 – $2,000
Overall Rating: 1/5 stars
Impact Mailing Club is a cash gifting company that has members pay other members through the enticement of their “secret” letter. This is nothing more than a sales pitch that will have you giving your money directly to the people who got you to sign up in the first place. Oh, and don’t forget that it is the owners of this program who are the real winners.
What in the World is Impact Mailing Club?
Impact Mailing Club is…
“A lead membership program that uses the power of direct mail to leverage the power of home business.”
What that means, I really don’t know.
What I do know is that this is nothing more than a program put together for a way that you can make money if and when someone pays you directly.
They come in the offer of leads or an actual postcard, but the idea behind this whole operation is to recruit others.
Don’t get anyone to get enticed by this offer, and you will not make any money.
This is not some secret formula that no one knows about, and it isn’t done any differently.
As a matter of fact, the same faces that promote Impact Mailing Club will probably be involved with those as well.
I’ll be explaining how everything works here shortly, but let me cover a few things first.
Who This is For
The target market for this is YOU.
This consists of anyone and everyone who is interested in making more money.
I’m sure you and everyone else fall into this category, and that is why you are even on this review to begin with.
However, there is one specific type of person that Impact Mailing Club targets.
That is those who know absolutely nothing about the make-money-online world and the types of programs that exist.
All they will see is the hype and the chance to make money.
This will then lead to the shady marketing that comes with this “product.”
Heck, let’s see what they have to offer while we’re at it.
The Product
The so-called “product” of this company is leads.
At least that’s what they claim, and that is the same nonsense that every other company that uses this business model claims.
Some might think it’s postcards, and that can very much be the product as well.
Whatever you want to call it, those are really nothing more than a way to have something to show for.
Without such a thing you can bet that this will not be a legit or even legal operation for that matter.
In any real deal business, you NEED to exchange goods for money in order for it to be called one.
Whether it be a product or service, there must be one in place, or you might just be dealing with a scam.
With Impact Mailing Club, there’s more to it, but it’s very easy to understand if you have been exposed to this kind of stuff before.
For those of you who are completely new, this is the part of the review that you need to pay attention to the most.
How Impact Mailing Club Works

Everything starts with that dang “secret” letter.
This little piece of nonsense is nothing but hype and a way to get someone desperately interested.
Once you get into the actual site, you will get hit with all kinds of marketing nonsense that will get you excited.
“We will close the sale for you”
“You can use this system for free”
That’s the kind of nonsense that all these sites use, so don’t think that you are being introduced to something new.
The marketing will get you to feel that you will miss out on commissions, which will have you feeling that you should purchase every level possible.
Once you make that payment, that’s when the real money starts getting distributed.
What started as postcards and leads has now gone into a full-blown MLM type structure.
This is also where you can see how things are now focused outside of the “product” and more on the making money side of things.
The Price & Compensation Plan

Programs like this will not cost you $27 like you normally see with a lot of the make-money online programs out there that actually teach you how to do something.
Doing that will be nothing but a waste of time, and well, it won’t be very enticing to the next person who gets presented with Impact Mailing Club.
So what do you do?
You jack the price up so that it can be worth your time and effort.
There are different price points that come with this program, and each MUST be purchased by you in order for you to make any money.
Don’t purchase that specific level, and you can kiss that commission goodbye.
This is the very first level of Impact Mailing Club, and it will cost you $100.
When you make that payment, it isn’t going to be like any old payment that just requires you to well, pay.
You will need to send $65 to the person in box #1, $20 to the person in box #2, and $15 to the person in box #3.
There is a reason why this is so, and that is because they are for the people who brought you into this stuff in the first place.
Box #1 is the person directly above you, box #2 is the person above them, and box #3 is for “admin”.
Admin is also nothing more than the person who owns Impact Mailing Club.
It sounds pretty cool and affordable, but let’s see what happens when you get into more jewels.
This level is going to cost you $250.
$150 goes directly to the person who brought you in, $50 goes to the person who brought them in, and $50 goes to the owner.
Things are still pretty fair in price, but this is still the beginning.
Along with these payments are books of stamps, but those are automatic and, again, just a way to have some kind of product.
Unless, of course, you feel that stamps really do cost that much.
Now, this is where you will start to spend a little more money.
This level costs $500.
$300 goes to the person right above you, $100 goes to the person who brought them in, and $100 goes to the owner.
Do you see how things have drifted completely away from what the product actually is?
The main job behind this is to recruit others and hope that they pay and get others to join.
That way, everyone can make money.
This is the last and most expensive of all packages.
Remember that $2,000 you had lying around your house?
Well, you can use that to fund your Impact Mailing Club account so that you can pay the people who got you in because that’s how much this level will cost.
$1,000 goes to the person who brought you in, $$500 goes to the person above them, and $500 goes to the owner.
Things looked really normal, but now you can see that everyone else who isn’t doing much is actually making lots of money.
Especially the owner.
This also has you thinking that you can make money doing nothing as well, but the chances are just as slim as every other get-rich-quick Ponzi out there.
Pros & Cons of Impact Mailing Club
StampsLeads- NONE
- Is nothing but recruiting
- Overpriced
- Is not a legit business model
- Last program I would recommend

Impact Mailing Club is Not Ethical
I was once in your shoes, and I know how you feel.
I have tried this postcard BS, and I even got involved with some other Phigh-ticket-ponzi schemes as well.
All were recruiting-based scams that only made you money if and when you got someone else to fall for the same nonsense you just fell for.
In reality, it’s really not.
In legal terms, it isn’t either.
I mean, what would you tell someone that asked you what you do for a living?
That you mail postcards?
That is not a career, and it doesn’t even make sense.
“Hey guys, I’m John, and I’m a professional postcard mailer.”
I literally raised an eyebrow just from typing that out.
This is the kind of stuff that has you sitting behind your computer, trying to get others to pay you.
I’ve fiddled with this type of stuff in hopes that someone would fall for my crazy sales pitch, and although it occasionally worked, it is not a real business.
Knowing that you are simply tricking others so that you can make money is very much a shady way of making a living.
Now, if you were with a real company like Melaleuca or some network marketing gig, then you’re at least providing a real product.
Postcards and “leads” are nothing but a disguise, so please don’t fall for this nonsense.
Of course, many will complain and call this a scam, so don’t be surprised when all the chatter begins.
Impact Mailing Club Review: Final Verdict
I do not recommend Impact Mailing Club.
There are many programs that are run exactly like Impact Mailing Club, and that’s no secret.
Recruiting is great if you’re in some kind of lotions and potions or any company that has actual products.
Now, when any program has a huge focus on recruiting, that’s when things become a problem.
I’ve been with programs like this in the past, and I can tell you that you will not make the type of money you think you will.
The real winners are those who have a nice presence on YouTube and social media, so don’t let their earnings get you thinking that you will do the same.
Unless you’re comfortable with making them more money, I would stay away from Impact Mailing Club.
Typical pay to play Ponzi scheme with enough complaints to show you that this is not a legit business. Unless you want to contribute to paying the bills for the house these guys just bought, do yourself a favor and stay away from Impact Mailing Club.
I’m 7 months into Impact Mailing Club and tons of money down the drain. Not in profit. This program is going down the drain and Rose is trying very hard to squeeze every last bit out of it as she can. She is desperately mass emailing all of us on gmail. No option to opt out. There’s always a “special” going on.
I suspect she’s close to losing that nice new home of hers unless she moves another 10 family members in. They all bought that big house by ripping people off. Her idea was probably good at first but when dozens of us saw it was flawed and that it has a 100% failure rate unless you are a large marketer with a very large audience that is when she should have stopped. I have no respect for her anymore. Her antics are so pathetic. She is a slimeball as most “salesmen” are.
That’s not cool at all Sandy but what do you expect with the type of program she’s running? It doesn’t have a real product or service but rather the hopes and dreams that you can make the kind of money they advertise. People will do crazy things like spend thousands of dollars if they FEEL that they are going to make some kind of change in their lives. That’s part of how advertising works and that’s why people get scammed all the time.
Now regardless of the intentions of the owner in programs like this, you can’t expect much without any real substance and that’s just how it is. You can blame the owner but what did you think you were getting by joining Impact Mailing Club, especially with a name like that? You can not make legit money mailing a postcard and that’s just common sense. Unless it is a product that you are selling to make a profit, I would not spend even $20 on a dang postcard.
I am glad that you did your research but it would help greatly if you did it a lot sooner. You have to remember that you didn’t get any kind of product here so please try to get a refund even if that doesn’t seem likely. Thanks for sharing your experience though and I hope that you can get your money back but most especially that others don’t fall for this as well.
I found out about this club from Ben and Anji Martin. If they knew the results in this for average people were this awful then they are as big of scammers as Rose too. I guess I can not feel too bad because I am only a few hundred down the drain but it is sad to be told anything from these markets just so they can make their buck.
Impact Mailing Club must be falling apart and people must be finding these negative reviews online because now shes urgently doing a promotion where she lets the person join at the 2k top level for a fraction of cost.
If the club was doing so well she would not need to keep bringing back that “special”. Sales are sown and she is desperate. People are mad and leaders are leaving. Instead of owning up to this scam she is doing what some reviewers said and riding things all out to soak up as much money as possible.
Lucky her there are no refunds or chargebacks cuz everything is cash. Less than 3 months In and this promotion is a clear teller of things crumbling.
I agree with the others. This won’t be around for long and before it dies the FTC is going to come down on her hard because this is illegal in so many ways.
Grrr I wish I had seen these reviews before I went in at the highest level. I am not finished doing my mailing with her leads but haven’t made any sales so far. I’m about half through. Maybe I need to give it time??
Ann, we are now 5 months down the road. I’m betting you aren’t in profit but curious to know.
My friend did this for longer than me and they’re broke as a joke. Wondering if it’s been different for someone else.
She’s buying a huge brand new home now with all the success she had ripping off people with this program. Posted on her FB page and keeps getting away with this. Sad. Jeez.
Yeah it is pretty interesting how she just launched this and has been in an apartment for years and is now buying a huge house overnight but none of the people she has brought into this can say the same. She has done a million in sales so surely at least 200k of that is pure profit for her yet not one member can show proof of having mailed the letters and even making a few hundred bucks a month from this and no I’m not talking about the fakers advertising this as an offline business and playing on peoples hopes while they close them online and leave them set up for failure coming in because they’re being lied to and told the people they mail are going to sign up but never do.
I’m not sure if it’s her leads or this model but nobody without a list is making money in this and that’s a fact!
Good observation. I noticed that when scams come to and end the scammers usually have a major lifechanging event or are come out with some news they need prayers for or some kind of sob story people will pity and praise them for. This is how it works and why they are able to keep taking hundreds of peoples money again and again. They are good at it.
I noticed she often uses her husbands poor health status for sympathy from time to time. Always seems to be something with people who do this. Anything to get attention away from the fact they are leaving so many unknowing people broke.
Wow, they’re really pulling that card?
As soon as I said this I went to look at her profile today and she’s riding out the birthday train and has another sympathy post about her husband. Can’t make this stuff up! People are falling for it too.
Not cool at all Rene but so many people have done it and it’s just wrong. But that’s expected when you join something that is clearly a pay to play recruiting Ponzi. I mean, how can you think something with a name like “Impact Mailing Club” is a real business? What are you going to tell your other half when you tell them you are going to join this? I’m going to join a mailing club? My eyebrow just went up after typing that, so that’s how bogus this whole thing is. For those of you who have lost money in this, do not stop trying to get a refund. And for those of you who try to tell me that Impact Mailing Club is legit, I’m sure you can see that you were wrong. Unless of course you’re one of those that are falling for the sob stories. Thanks for sharing such valuable information Rene and I do hope that you have some a program that actually works. If not, you might want to try something like Wealthy Affiliate, if you might be interested in selling other people’s products online.
I have debated posting this or not but as the increasing number of people have come to share negative feedback Im seeing Im not the only one seeing the light.
Rose seems to be a classic case of a “good” scammer. The type of online presence who seems to be open, honest and puts herself and her results out there. This builds trust with people and makes her seem normal to them. They eat up her welfare to wealth story so easily and mark my words when shit hits the fan in this new program she will come up with another sob story or something to distract her crowd and gain sympathy. She is clever. She puts on a charade of not caring but there are hundreds of people out there out of money because of her and she has nothing to say for herself. When that time comes as with most people being dishonest in their work’ I am sure she will have a huge distraction or something new to make people forget and so the cycle shall continue.
These feedback comments will still save some people though who are not as easy to fool and had a gut feeling to do their research first. Unfortunately they will not save most but at least we have helped.
It’s unbelievable to me that they know this program has members paid in a way that will get them in trouble with the IRS big time and that they see 95% of the people coming in failing to make a single sale with their formula but keep hyping it up to expand.
Whatever you do just be careful! The IRS sees everything and I knew a woman who did photography and was paid in cash or direct wire. She never filed taxes and over a year later it caught up to her. She was fined left and right and it destroyed her families entire financial future all for her to make 70K a year. Put her in 6 figures of debt.
What goes in must have a money trail. Everything is digital nowdays and I know its tempting but I dont know anyone who hasnt gotten caught for doing something like this.
Myself and many others joined Impact Mailing Club and spent hundreds of dollars and many thousands of dollars. We followed the directions, mailed off the letters, went the extra mile and most of us didn’t make a sale. Anyone posting sales as of now has gotten them through their warm market which means they have a list which means they had to have experience, a list and know how to do sales. This program says you do not need that to make money which is an outright lie unfortunately.
But it’s mostly too late once you pay your membership and foot the bill to mail and stamp hundreds of letters. It’s very expensive and time consuming. All I got back were rejected letters (not good leads) and reverse pitching. Not a single sale.
Not a fan because once you’re money is gone it is gone. They can guarantee whatever they want but you pay in cash or on Venmo and there is zero way to protect yourself or get a refund.
I have noticed this too! 🙁