7 Reasons Why You Are Guaranteed to Fail at Blogging

Blogging is absolutely amazing, but the sad truth is that 99% will never make at least a full-time income.

On the bright side, those who find success will usually find themselves making the kind of income that a regular old 9-5 can’t provide.

With the stats being against you, how in the world can you actually succeed with blogging?

The answer is actually really simple, but most fail to understand.

So, before we get into any kind of success with blogging, I want to show you why so many people fail at something that I think is fairly easy to accomplish.

1. You Have the Wrong Mentality


This is by far the most important ingredient to succeeding with blogging and a huge reason why most fail.

Blogging works.

And if you can’t understand that, then you have no business even starting a blog.

If you even feel a tiny bit that blogging does not work, you will not make it.

And if you listen to those who tell you that it doesn’t work, you won’t make it.

Get it drilled into your head that this is a real business that real people are making real incomes.

This is the biggest reason why people fail at blogging and also the same reason that will allow you to succeed.

2. Lack of Help and Support

As simple as blogging might seem, things can get really complicated if you don’t have something as simple as help.

Most people look at some YouTube videos, start a blog, and think they have it in the bag.

Come a year later, and they are scratching their heads.

There are a bunch of little moving parts that need simple answers that simply require some kind of support channel.

Not to say you can’t do it on your own but the chances of you succeeding are a lot slimmer.

Now, finding the right help can be tricky.

Some companies charge a couple hundred dollars, while some charge thousands.

Do not pay for anything in the thousand-dollar range.

There are sites like Wealthy Affiliate that offer a complete community that has all the answers in forums, life chats, and interactions.

Another one I recommend is Income School, which is a little pricier but with some one-on-one coaching that can make a world of a difference.

3. Overcomplicating Things

Blogging is simple, and you need to keep it that way.

You provide information to others in your given niche, and that’s about it.

Sure, you have things like SEO and other little tips and tricks, but you need to keep things the way they should be.

You creating content for your audience.

Provide the information needed, don’t be lazy, and you will see results.

Learn as you grow, and don’t try to do things that aren’t necessary.

4. No Patience

If someone told you that you were going to be rich tomorrow, I hope you didn’t believe them.

Blogging can and will give you the type of income you once only dreamed of, but you need to know that it isn’t going to happen overnight.

It isn’t going to happen tomorrow, and it isn’t going to happen next month.

Depending on things like your niche, your work ethic, and your blogging knowledge will all play a part in when you start seeing decent results.

Blogging takes a lot of patience, and if you can’t understand that, then you are in the wrong line of work.

5. Poor Training

I know blogging is one simple thing to understand, and you can literally start a blog in a matter of minutes.

As a newb, though, there is a lot that needs to be understood.

There are right ways to do things, and there are wrong ways to do things.

Some things might sound exciting and brilliant, but they might be the best way for you to get punished by Google.

As long as you have at least the right training, you don’t need to worry.

If someone is doing some kind of Blackhat SEO, you might want to stay away or consider yourself a failed blogger.

6. Too Much Focus on Money

I know we started our blogs to make money, but focus on that too much, and you will fail.

Focus on building out your site and creating some awesome content, and the money will follow.

Do things the other way around, and you can expect the opposite.

I see it too often.

New bloggers check their statistics to see how much money they’ve made when they have only done 5 blog posts.

If you can find a way not to be so focused on the wrong things, you can make your living as a blogger.

The same thing goes with traffic.

Don’t check your Analytics unless you have done at least 20 posts.

It makes no sense to put your time and energy into something that will not help you this early in your blog’s life.

7. Wrong Niche

There are many niches in the blogging space, and I even created a complete list of the most profitable niches that will kill it in 2019.

The problem here is that most bloggers get tied to one niche and feel that they have to make it work.

Just because you started a site with one niche does not mean you need to stick with it.

If you feel you are constantly getting blogger’s block almost daily, you might just be in the wrong niche.

Some of you might have the same problem I had, but know it isn’t the end of your blogging career.

I could not figure out what my niche was going to be when I first started, and it wasn’t as easy as I had thought it would be.

Go with your passion.

Pick an interest you have.

Sounds like an easy task, but I could not figure out what I was truly passionate about.

If you have had the same problem, don’t worry.

I went through the same process.

Pick something and move on.

Conclusion – Don’t Become Another Statistic

I’m sure you can see all the awesome benefits that come with blogging from something like everything I just mentioned.

So, although it might sound negative, use this more of a guide to help you understand what not to do.

If you can do that, I can promise you that you will find success in the online world.

I hope this simple list of why you will fail at blogging has opened your eyes to see what bloggers go through and how most fail.

Do the opposite, and you will succeed.

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