Overcoming blogger’s block is not the easiest thing, especially if you are new to blogging.
It happens all the time.
You get excited about the new blog you just started, and you can taste the success that comes with affiliate marketing.
One post down, and you’re proud of your start.
The next post is very similar up until you get to month 2.
Life happens, and you can’t get the blogging juices flowing like you used to.
Welcome to the wonderful world of writer’s block.
Some of you might refer to it as “blogger’s block” but call it what you want, it is something we all encounter.
You publish fewer blog posts, and you start to feel that this is not the job for you.
What started as 15 posts a month is now down to 5, and there are no signs of improvement.
This is what happens when you let life win and this is something I want to help you prevent.
So whether you have just got blogger’s block or you have dealt with it for quite some time, let me show you how I managed to overcome such a task.
So, How Do You Overcome Blogger’s Block?
You don’t.
You deal with it and fail as a blogger.
That’s what you do if you’re a quitter and can’t wait to get to work to tell your boss how much you think their whacky-ass hair looks so amazing.
Now, if you want to overcome this unwanted visitor, I have 11+1 ways that can help you fight it off.
Some of you might already know, but without being told it is happening, you might not ever take any action.
So whether you are a Mr. Know-it-all all or not, I’m sure this list will help you in one way or another.
Put that remote control down, and let me show you why you’re failing as a blogger.
These are the best ways to overcome blogger’s block.
1. Change Your Work Environment
I have a huge home office that I absolutely enjoy working from.
But there’s one problem.
I have kids.
Just like they are running in and out of here like it’s cool right now, it is beyond complicated to concentrate.
So what do I do?
I work anywhere and everywhere.
I’ve blogged from our balcony, by the pool, at the beach, and, of course, coffee shops that always work great.
There are many more places that I work from, but I’m sure you get the point.
If ever you feel that you are getting writer’s block, changing up the environment is my #1 solution.
Look at it as if you were getting a new officer every single day.
Doing this allows me to escape the noise from the kids, and I am able to concentrate more.
On top of that, I get the chance to miss my main office, which provides for a more productive me.
This is my best solution and one that you need to do if you haven’t already done so.
2. Mix Things Up
Blogging is just like anything else.
It starts off as exciting and fun but becomes a bit boring over time.
Especially if you aren’t making a nice income.
Most bloggers get writer’s block simply because they are doing the same thing over and over again.
If you know that you are guilty of this, you might want to change things up a bit.
Not only are you freshening up your brain with some new content, but you are also letting the search engines know that you aren’t some spam site trying to game the system.
If you are constantly doing reviews, throw out a post on something a little more personal.
There is no need to stick to just one topic, especially if you are trying to make money blogging.
3. Reevaluate Your Niche
This happens way too often, and although this is one way to overcome writer’s block, it is also a great time to tell you a little about niches.
Sure, there are lists of the best niches out there, but that does not mean you need to use any of them.
Most new bloggers enter a niche because you can’t decide on one, and that is okay.
But just because you chose any niche just to get started does not mean you can’t change it.
In most cases, your first niche will never be your last, and that’s just how it is.
Don’t get too attached to your first choice, and don’t be afraid to buy another domain.
Making the adjustment on month 3 is a whole lot better than trying to do it 2 years later.
I’ve seen it done many times, and there’s no point in wasting time with a niche that you aren’t really interested in.
Oh, and it will also help with blogger’s block (lol).
4. Get Involved in Your Niche
Most bloggers get into a niche and rely solely on what they know about the given topics.
That is the best way to get writer’s block and eventually give up on what you started and set out to do in the first place.
An interest and/or knowledge is great, but stopping there is not good for bloggers and entrepreneurs as a whole.
You need to keep things fresh always, or you will hit a plateau, and things won’t go as planned.
In the blogging space, there are simple things you can do that will help combat all the nonsense.
For one, you can physically do things related to your niche.
If you run a parenting blog, I’m sure you have kids that give you new ideas on a daily basis.
Use that within your blog posts, and you will never run out of freshness to keep you going.
Two, you can get involved online.
Forums, social media, and other websites are great places to do just that.
On top of that, you can share these posts on everything I just mentioned, which will give your site that much more of a boost.
5. Change Your Background Noise
This is a big deal and a huge contributing factor to blogger’s block.
Now, the most common way to do this is through the wonderful sounds of music.
Not only is music inspirational, motivational, and flat-out awesome, but it gets you in the mood to create some awesome content.
Complete silence is great at times, but you need to change up the sounds in your background almost daily.
Music is a great way to do that, but don’t limit it to just that.
It might sound crazy, but as I’m writing this post, there is a jackhammer jacking away at some concrete.
Believe it or not, this “noise” is actually helping me concentrate.
I’m sitting at a breezeway to this coffee shop with people walking back and forth while others are talking about how much they don’t like another co-worker.
This jackhammer is blocking out all that jazz, and it is allowing me to flow.
Music does the same, and I think you should try using it to create your next post if you haven’t already.
6. Exercise
I love to exercise, said no one ever.
But sometimes, it’s the things that we don’t like to do that reap the best benefits.
And exercise just so happens to be one of them.
Obviously, it helps with your overall health but it plays a big part in the life of a blogger.
Now you know it isn’t going to happen overnight, but with some consistency (how you should be with your blog), you will see an improvement in your overall business.
Those days of having writer’s block will not disappear but they will come around a lot less with something so simple as exercise.
7. Take a Break
Everyone needs a break unless you are a robot.
Then again, even they need a break too or they will overheat and fall apart.
But you, as a human, need to step away from things no matter what.
Like they say, too much of anything is never good for you.
I don’t know who they is, so don’t ask me who they is either.
If you’ve been blogging your ass off for a whole month straight, I think it’s time for a break.
If you’ve been working on a post for 3 hours straight, take a break.
Walk around, watch some TV, or even drop and do some pushups.
Get your blood flowing so that it can get your blogging juices flowing, and you should be good to go.
Now, I’m sure some of you might have done one post for the week and think that this applies to you.
Well, it doesn’t.
You, my friend, need to take a break from taking a break.
In the end, you know you best and you can identify where the breaks are needed.
Take a walk, read a book, or watch some TV.
I’m sure you know how to take breaks, so do what breaks best for you.
8. Understand Distractions
They are the reason I did this business in the first place, but they are the same reason I encountered blogger’s block.
There is no need for lectures, and there is no need for discipline.
This is something you need to take up on your own and figure out the best ways to get work done.
For me, it usually requires me to hop on my bike and head to one of my favorite coffee shops.
Some might think I’m wasting my home office, but something as simple as blogger’s block is a good enough reason to work abroad.
My office works great at night or in the wee hours of the morning, but that’s about it.
Once the brats start running around, you can expect to get the least amount of work done.
You can be highly motivated and ready to work, but with the constant worrying about the kids, you can bet that writer’s block is sure to pay a visit.
Save yourself the headache of trying to blog when you know it isn’t going to happen.
Kids will be kids, and you need to find a way to work around them and not the other way around.
The same thing goes for all the other distractions in your blogging life.
Find a way to be most productive, and you will see a huge difference in overall productivity.
9. Figure Out Your Timing
In business, timing is a big deal, and it’s the same thing with your blogging schedule.
But the type of timing I’m talking about is not striking a big deal or landing the perfect product.
The kind of timing I’m about to get into is the time you decide to write a blog post.
Just like I mentioned earlier, kids will be kids.
And if you have any, you will need to work around them.
Trying to do a post while they’re hanging on your leg to play is not going to work.
Blogging while trying to help with homework isn’t going to work either.
You need to find the right time to do things, or you will come across writer’s block a lot more than most bloggers.
For me, I had to wake up at 3 am to get a post done.
The rest of the day was spent trying to get work done while being a dad, and that didn’t work.
So now, if I’m not heading to a coffee shop in the day to blog, then guess what I’m doing?
I woke up at 3 am, just like I did when I started my very first blog.
10. Just Blog
I am (or should I say was) a perfectionist until I figured that I had to break the habit or my blog would suffer.
I went from trying to create the perfect post every single time to throwing out the worst content of my life.
Sure, my posts sucked, but it helped me fight writer’s block.
The best part about all this, though, is the fact that my content has started to get better.
From what started as content I would never show to anyone, became content that I was actually proud of.
There’s no better way to overcome writer’s block than by just doing it.
Like Reebok said.
Practice makes perfect, and that is so true when it comes to the wonderful world of blogging.
11. Layout What You Plan to Blog About
I seriously do not know how this landed at the end of this post, but it should have been at like #2 or something.
But whatever.
If you ever find yourself sitting on your new post with nothing but a title, try creating some headings.
Layout your post with what you plan to talk about.
Give yourself an idea of how things are going to go, and you will eventually start flowing.
When I do this, I find myself writing on a topic way down the post, but it gets everything flowing.
It then leads me into filling out other parts of the post and ultimately getting rid of writer’s block.
This works wonders for me, and I’m sure it will help you, too.
12. *BONUS* – Get UN-Social
This is probably the biggest distraction to any blogger and probably the biggest reason why you think or feel you are getting writer’s block.
Social, fricken, media.
There are so many things to cover here, but I will keep it short and straight to the point.
Your cellphone.
If you think you are going to blog with your cell phone right next to you, you’re wrong.
Unless you have the discipline of Bruce Lee, you might just want to keep your phone away from you at all times while you are trying to blog.
For you, Facebook fanatics, close the dang window.
You might feel that getting on FB because you can’t focus on your post is helping, but it isn’t.
Stop trying to find excuses as to why you have writer’s block, and close every single tab that isn’t related to the post you are writing.
Instagram is the biggest right now, so you IG addicts know what to do.
Don’t be a part of the 99% of failed social media wannabe bloggers.
Do the opposite.
Use social media to help your blog, but don’t allow it to do the opposite, or YOU WILL FAIL.
Overcome Blogger’s Block or Fail Miserably
We all know that there is no way to get rid of writer’s block completely, and that’s okay.
By following some of the tips above, though, I’m sure you can at least get through with your next post and eventually create the money-making machine that you intended to make in the first place.
I have blogger’s block, Darren Rowse from Pro Blogger has blogger’s block, and so does everyone else who is running their very own blog.
Writer’s block comes with the territory, but there is no reason why you should not do it.
If you’re just starting out, get through the writer’s block bullshit and know that there are better times ahead.
Today is just another day, and tomorrow is new, so get through this and don’t ever stop blogging.
I’m sure these tips will help you overcome writer’s block, so please do use them.
Until next time, slap blogger’s block on the back of the head and get that blog post done.
There are just too many benefits of blogging that something like writer’s block is just another little gnat in the way.
Happy blogging!
Writers/bloggers block can be a challenge however, the writers’ decision can make or break this cycle. How often do you write a blog post? What is the recommended amount of blog posts per week or month?
In the blogging space 4-6 posts a week is the best way to help with SEO, especially if your site is new. I say to do what you can but at the very least, you should do 1 post a week. For average bloggers looking to grow steadily (not too fast and not at a turtle’s pace), 2-3 posts a week will do. There are many factors that play a role in how you should go about your business and that usually comes with knowledge. With the best training and the right program, you will be on track to blogging success. Hope this helps Viv!